In 2008 she had been responsible for the song of Sheryl Nome within the Anime Macros F, after which she would take a break. Yet, the singles and the album released after that would still rank within the ORICON Weekly ranking charts within the Top 10.
In March 2010 she had then been going on her ASIAN TOUR which would lead her through Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and as the "Love Calls" from her fans in Shanghai would not cease, a performance in Shanghai was also hurriedly added.
Apart from the fact, that the tickets for the Shanghai live are limited to the fans of her official fans club, there will be no other possibilities to obtain a ticket within Japan.
For more information, fans can check back with May'n's official homepage.
May'n Mini Live and Handshake Event in Shanghai
2010/5/30 (Sun) OPEN17:00 / START 18:00
MAO Livehouse Shanghai
Tickets:380Yuan *All Standing
[Information] MAO Livehouse Shanghai
TEL 021-5258-9999(Service Ours 12:00~19:00 Shanghai Standard Time)
original story:
Monday, May 10
May'n to perform in Shanghai
Sunkyu lover~